Growing some winter feelings

Many time in the past, before this white snow to fall from the big sky, I was thinking about the life and why is so great to live to tell that here on this earth is snowing… hm. I will make some fry egs with some pork meat, but today meal was a feast simple and very tasty… cabage with pork meat. After taht,I was thru snowing fenomen going to the gas station… I had one cigaretts and lighter on my, so few dollars about 11 dollars or so… hm. I drinked some refreshnes and some coffee but I was spechless, it was snowing thery much, accordin the seasson on course, so I’ve walked couple km, rufly abot 4 and so on km…
Hm, tomorrow it is about to come in my path, I will prepare according, dreaming big and having some great time thinking about that snow that I will shoveld away from harms way… wish me luck…

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