Just here, some work in the field just burning some debry from last year that stood there and not letting me do the work properly.
Joy, happines here alone in this thing called life, but is great that depends but you have to fought a war to survive in this gulag time…
I want to see some activity at my natural early spring flowers, it was a rough winter time for them but hope is here, I saw some insects around them, hm it was so good to watch them flyng around them…
Love is here, have no fear
Today in the Monday fings I have done, their love, human love that it is, powerfull like a new big sun that shines till forever like a perpetum momentum, I dare to dream and I just imagine new things holding on the perpetuas of the moment.
I watch out from the distance, my love… I just do, do not blame me for this human rush of comportament… just gazing you like a galaxy of stars…
Monday, a pretext for joy
Man, is monday he he life itself is going on so what could I do. I am here, with a glass full of something to drink… with a youtube page opened and me just watching some old videos.
I love the light, love the power of the old sun that is here and it shines like a bright new opportunity…
Love, womans, tnt and a perfect day
Washing some hands, water is kind of cold… I am outside just watching some powerful sun in his mighty empire…
I want a woman in my life, maybe I deserve it maybe not… so tnt is for the fire to get start… and then hell or heavean.
I stay here, take a glass in my hand and after taking a sip I say good job and pass on, game on!
Gone, just gone
It is light in here, morning sun some voices on the news,talking about some war, diplomatic facts, money and dead people all around location where I am.
I bought something, nothing so much important but with a cigarette in my hand and a energy drink standing alone, just watching like a mad man in the distance thinking about something to occupy my mind.

Get in, we are lost in translation
Big dreams grwon bigger then life, down here in front of pc writing down vanishing words abut you, about me about certain things and somehaw about nothing in particular just a peculiar habits here in this rural area of balkans some bondage in mixt fellings betwen some pigs and their entire growth on muscular phase. Their adapative sence about nature taht it always ahaping around pasing time. Pigs and the funny looks of their face when you change the fresh staw and then some grains and water, they are playng like children on their one like children trced into something… hm, you feel this hm, society from our days… but something is had to turn, to change in the future distance a roar of time itself… We are here, just be!
Brooken down bracelet clock
Time, piece of it scatterd all around an empty room, close in gaps like twilight… Future afterglow, speed, some broken knoldge about some old forsaken feelings, just becoming like a soup boiling in a orfphanage place …. killing some mosquito with bear heands far, far but so close to our goal.
I enter, say something and then grab a fork and then open a can with some food, mushrums and some rice mixed with some pork meat… grab a good hold from a wwine bootle coold like ice… We are there, hm we are expeld like a broken teth from normal activity like human civilian, we overthink and we haddto choose life itself or dead end, we are the rest is history!
March first, give me flower power
We like winter, thery much… why? It is writen in our blood in the the thing called adn… we love it but when winter past and march with his flowers and bees and then the display of things that become in a another thing… called love that is the power flower – love.
It is the moring of first march, wake up from a nightmare dream, wokend but still there staring at you with a glimpse of future mememories given no fuck just pressing on like nevernding tide till the unamed feeling is almost gone.
Join in, have a sip of this butifull nature, put a recorder on from the time we wore so happy I could die.
I am wnriten, baby !
It is hard times here in winter time, in this small village because of the winter snow and after that the temperature thery low about minus 15 grade Celsius. Hm, I feed the pigs given more attention to theyre regulary feed them and the strwas to be more than usually… the chicken and yes the tiny dog need my atention, but we surrvived it. Now the atmosfere looks like a bliss, a powerful sun and 4 grade celsius, it is normal almost tempreture of this february… usualy the farmers here go to fields and plant potatoes… some of them aready did that, but hm, neverind no comment.
In winter we need some wine
I like winter, in the past I really heate the Hush condition and the freezing temperature but today situation changed in another perspective, I grew old so odds are in favour of winter, let it be winter…