I am wnriten, baby !

It is hard times here in winter time, in this small village because of the winter snow and after that the temperature thery low about minus 15 grade Celsius. Hm, I feed the pigs given more attention to theyre regulary feed them and the strwas to be more than usually… the chicken and yes the tiny dog need my atention, but we surrvived it. Now the atmosfere looks like a bliss, a powerful sun and 4 grade celsius, it is normal almost tempreture of this february… usualy the farmers here go to fields and plant potatoes… some of them aready did that, but hm, neverind no comment.

Maybe the answear is good after all

We are struggling with a war at the borders almost… but life is taking a path that will succed, tough but steady like a surviving game on the display… I will join this gazing hoping big with the eyes wide open.
I was here, the polar vortex had his way with us inhabitans of tiny world called earth. We seking somthing called peace but we getting in the war for the sake of it: the peace. It should e free but it has a cost that is pricy.
Today I just stood at the shop, siping some wonderfull liquid and a coffee after a while… I had time, I had after that some time to do somthing and then something is crossig my mind: if that wold happen what shall do, what we shall do…

Touch it, it is alive

Now we getting to somthing, somehaw the snow has come here in the forgotten place far, far from harm and thery safe for making children, the planet of love. We are 8 bilion inhabitans thery alive and kicking.
Me and you standing here in this tiny window called winter, with frezing temperature that stand against the heat of summer… I have made some fire in my room to rise the tempreture… I stand alone in this room having a woderfull timewatching the memories of universis that lay ahead.
I want a coffee but I am not that desperate though I have 2,5 litres of coke… come along and just enter do not knock on thront door, you are invited and welcome to stay till forever…

Reach out to you

Come along into my world, step into my space have a coke iced like neverseen before, have it on your way but please just enter my life, I have what it takes… trust me on this.
You know that feelin unkonwn before evean as we speak, I am in my 40′ so every emotion has fulffield her will but I am there just like shark feeling his pray from close quarters…. just stargazing for another feeling that never touch my soul, I like virgin experiences that brings shivers down my spine, seeking for adventure like a new born…

Make me happy and mercifull

I have some time, I’am good at doing stuff in old fashion way and yes time is on my side, don’t ask why just aknolge.
I had my coffee in the nearest shop, smoke my twoo only cigarettes and with the bread bought fom there I was on my way to eaat the cheampion breakfast some eggs and some potatos that looks like French fries… Today I forget about the tea with some old fashion margarina spred on bread a delicates from iron courtain countrys. After a while I forget to take a pack of cigaretts and seven day croissant… hm. I always remeber stuff, but today I realise that the time is thery important for a human beeing… evolving whitout time is a waste of good energy…
Make me happy, bring joy to my life and send me your kisses wild and free I will preserve them in a book to your name…

How and why

It is a bliss this kind of weather, why? I say it loud, because the cycle of life itself is going to be fulfilled.

This cat, a superb specimen of tiny feline is here to hunt small birds and mice… But often it stays round the pig fence and chicken, it guard them not to be attacked by the mice.

Here, where I am the snow is still coming down on us like we deserve it and it is awesome… It is snowing with sun visible for nekeid eye, strange fenomen but truly rare …

Morning snow, hm

I am at the nearest shop, they have some good all coffee, so I drink the coffee from the dispenser and watching snowflakes coming down from the wonderful sky above. It is past mid of February and weather is showing is might as usual.

Early at the start of the morning I had to shovel the snow from my front yard and in front of fence that is on round the house and the all yard that lay all around the property. Last night it was the land of snow. At the eight o’clock was making my way to the store and grab some fresh bread. After that I sip some coke and chit chat a little bit with some folks around there. It is thery good for agriculture to snow but you know how it is after snowing it is going to be thery chilli time round here minus seventeen Celsius. It is going to be fun to stay at home and watching twitch and YouTube. Hm, I love snow right now, will be that for couple of days but the summer will be here mark my words.

Growing some winter feelings

Many time in the past, before this white snow to fall from the big sky, I was thinking about the life and why is so great to live to tell that here on this earth is snowing… hm. I will make some fry egs with some pork meat, but today meal was a feast simple and very tasty… cabage with pork meat. After taht,I was thru snowing fenomen going to the gas station… I had one cigaretts and lighter on my, so few dollars about 11 dollars or so… hm. I drinked some refreshnes and some coffee but I was spechless, it was snowing thery much, accordin the seasson on course, so I’ve walked couple km, rufly abot 4 and so on km…
Hm, tomorrow it is about to come in my path, I will prepare according, dreaming big and having some great time thinking about that snow that I will shoveld away from harms way… wish me luck…

Eyes opened, hm

Moving along, tryng to reach out to you… but is not the case if you are far, far from me because the distance does not matter in this case… I just not settle for less, I will love endeslley.
Today… the snow turn my eyes on you… again, yes but wwhitout pain love is just like few drops of pure blood on the new snow. I will forgive, perhaps, is it a negation for you destiny not to taake revange, hm? Though life, I tell you… Join in, we have snow, coke and yes free time… but our minds is so adictive to gazing the world, to watch stars above is a must but when I meet a person like yoursself, you wore bright in the dark, my love!