A nice meal, some onion and potatoes

I am hungry, a little bit but do not tell to enyone, I have pork meat, some onions, fresh bread and fresh water, tomato souce, salt… and yes and a wonderfull electric oven.

Now I watched some youtue videos, talked to my brother and I made up my mind… I want a women in my life. Now I set the electric oven to 250 celcius degree and made it to nearst sstore  kind of, buy some coca cola… and watching donacs on twitch. I am hungry, hm it smeel gooooood that I can tell you, my dog is feed allready, because else I will feed him to, eventually… hm… wish you well, hny to you all, God bless you all, see ia!

I am close, tears are falling down

Upset and sad, humans… what next!? Why animals don’t desapoint? Hm, tough question, regardless of that I will drink something today… I was downtown, femelas what else and then money, to be more exact: the lack of it, I have only 5 bucks on the pocket… sow my girl… I am gettig old, she also… I have beard, a kid grown up… you are there like a ghost. Who care, hm maybe I but hm… You got the point, humans!

Join me in a walk thru

I’ve made it to the store, with some money on my right hand… open a freezer and taking a can of energy drink… I ‘ve ordered a 4 dollar pack of cigaretts… now I am home sad and with a cigarette on my hand writing down all.

I am sad… I know why, but I do not want to share with you guys… music is laying and I have to feeds the pigs and the chicken… hm.

Bring me the coke

The sun is shining, powerful and they beautiful above our heads. It is worm, is January and I am here at the shop close to my house just sitting and writing to my blog. I am kind of upset, why ? Eh is another story, now I’m with schwepps power so come along if you want and can…

Somebody had to be a loser

Needles to say, somebody had to a loser so next time to win… is just life…

I want a beer, made it to next store, take me money and I ask for a can of coke, the liquid of the gods. I was downtown the village, enter the pharmacy, take the medicine and the go after a can of coke, hm what else.

Going home slowly in a chanched season, because here in this part of the planet is a snowy winter. Now is just people like in the beging of nice spring… so when I entered my known good aria I take a buck and got myself som five nice cigarets…

I have to make fire in my room, I have what it takes because round here is kind chilii… now I am listening some good all YouTube hits, made it for a 1 litre Coca Cola pet… and trying to figure out to do with my life.

in the wild, at my village with a smoke in my mouth and some cola in the glass I try not cry… I am human after all, wish me luck, hm!

Just in case, we are here

Party, not… the case. I am in downtown kind of, they are many hm, to many people and cars… I see a dog going mad thru rush of cars. I ve drinked a red bull, have some woffels and some kit kat chocolate. I see some small kids… Hm, dog was ther in the streets. The air was feed with smoke from the many cars around. Buildings from soviet gulag, many womans… Some birds fighting for leftovers… It is fine, no ?

Old memories but gold

It was, that’s how the rest begin…

It was cold outside, just snowing few days past… me palls waking around with luge in the hands… making our way thru the small hills around our village. It was fun time so much that never will past away always remember the cool vibes and the frost bytes that we have to endure.

We have routine, we walk so slowly onto the bumps and then we slide down to the valley… we have some speed but for us  oho it was a thery high speed…

Take it easy, have a Coca Cola

Staying here, opening my browser… type the address of the blog and everything is running like it should… music is laying and I’m taking it easy opening my pack of cigaretts and pouring a glass of Coca Cola….

Memories rushing in, put some music of the past… take a cigarette and take in the smoke. I stay in me room with a view to the starts thinking out loud… why the life is so good?

Winter is for me, hm

I was gone, not far but you know how it is… I was gone to buy some cola and some cigaretts along side with some energy drink name red bull.

Me dog wanted to come along, we chit chat few minutes, him barking mad and make funny faces… I stood the ground and take me money to local shop.

Today, is so nice outside, it is so sunny and the air hm… it something I tell ia… is a mix with a clumsy nuance from the diming smoke from the cimnies all around this village with 10 000 inhabitans… in paer because hear is about 5600 living in the location…