Hm, we are here in the country house in rural area of the balcans, a little place called Romania. Yes, living in a small village with 2 female pigs, few chickens and yes a smal dog. Often I and the dog we play together, I really like to pet the dog and yes, of corse the little pigs. With chicken, is always fun, when I enter the barn, they come into you like mad cow, and just enter your space… it a lot of fun… hm.
Today a polar vortex hit my location, it was a -7 C cold, hm it was not nice but I will surrvive, hm.
Monthly Archives: February 2025
First time in morning
It morning time routine,I was with empty pocket no many what’s so ever. And ven magic, I got to me neighbour and for him I bought some 3 pack of cigarettes and 2 bottles of 2,5 litres of beer. Hi gave me 1 buck and then hi gave me an extra 2 bucks because I ask him. Hm life is great, no?

Bring me light
It is thery cold outside, no snow, just wind and the power of the sun. I was at the shop, I had 2 cigarettes and a coffee from the vanding machine, a half or so dollar… I smoke and then just gone away with a bread in my hand make me way out to the house, feed the pigs and chicken…
Post factum: We had won the war
Teriblle, fierce and wise we all did it… I am in the room with view to stars, had to do something for the pigs outside, hade to take the grains that I bought from the city market and put it to the mill to crash them up and then the mixtre I will feed to the twoo female pigs that I have…
Music is on, I listen to music since back then I was inccapcitatet to be a normal human being, now is not the case because I evolved into somthing much more, it semes that the job to be human was superfluu for me…
About the war, hm never be weak, do not think just fight till the death… or else!
Humans, pigs and the straws
Winter is here again, is snowing kind of… I’ve made fire in my room, how else… I was at the pig, feeding them… after that I took as much I can of the straws from the. barn and tossed them in the place they slip… They was just jumping all around, mad of joy…
I ve smoked 2 cigarettes, drunk as much coke I could, feed the dog with some leftovers he had a nice stake pork, he was barking loudly for water, the water stood freezing the bowl for water and he can’t drink the water…
Open your eyes, hm
I am pissed, kind of… I serched for a emptry glass, yesterday I ve drunk from a glass, my glass some coffee is difrent whe you drink from glass, not in a can… why? Hm, I do not know…
I sleept with my eyes open, I have to care about the pigs not to escpae the barn, else no more feeding for from the pork meat and that I could tell is delicios.
Today I just drinked, it is almost noon and I am litle bit starved… hm.
Sit down, a chair and a smoke
I was at the shop, 1 buck in the pocket and a bread on the table… hm. It was -1 C outside and it was so darkish and I hate it, hm.
I feed my dog with a comunist salami version called parizer made of chicken meat… hm. I need a smoke, a packet of it but I setle for just one bottle of coke. I made some fire in my room, it is so worm that is the desirable environment… got to go, back in my life! Hm!
Holly cow, it is the time right, hm
I sit and wait… down on the electric stove, I had to feed myself, I have some pork meat, peper as delicates, potatoes and some onion, then the salt and fresh water… Now, the smell and the tomato soucee combined with all mixture will be just fine. I plan to mix with some eg stuff, hm for the taste of it…
I have bread, I have the chinas for the table and yes the water is so fresh and delicious like the pork meat on the ovean… hm… join in and let’s eat some more.
Waiting big time, is it?
Hm, stayng here far from big city life, far from cinemas, from festivals far from the sea, miss the beach, miss the sand and yes miss the sunshine of the summer… I want a beer can on my hand, some chit chat and then have a alexandrion coniac or a bottle of wine, thery child in the refrigireder… and the some icecream. Watching for hotgirls, watching for new car design on the almost highway that is on middle of the village.
I made some fire in my room, it was chili and nw is so worm and so cozy I could die… hm.
I watch soem tv, a very old tv routine that include almost the thery best of the matinal show called neata cu razvan si dani.
T shaped chimney
It here, in Balkans rural area where the invention of humans keep us all alive. The smoke is everywhere and I use to that in winter time.
My dog and I we are here playing in court yard. It is still morning and we do not having anything much to do. He just trying to catch something like his tale, him is going mad doing so. Hm…