Give me everything, give me hope

I have to choose but I was faster evean from me, I already choose… I am here logging to stay evean more, I need money but I am working on this, it should be fine but it does takes some time to achive this task…

Many years had pasta away, I am here in Romania with a face towards the war, Rusia versus Ukraina… who is wining, tough question.

I am takig my hands, put a cigrette on my mouth, took the lighter and press the switch… it takes fire from gas reservoir, I have fire on my hands and smoke in loungs, it is fine but the worlds still merging in.


Be happy, but be aware, hm

Many month I’ve waited for the year to come along, so far sleeping most of the time is the best option. War, peace whatever… but the war is a serious business perhaps humans or human kind should think about much more. Hm, the fact is that the cigaretts it aint cheap anymore, they the goverment it say that a raise at the cost is good, I said hm, they need money… more and more. Happyness comes with a price tag, hm almost like everything o this world…
Hope is here, we are in the middle of the winter… like we should, tomorrow will be snow, I will make some fire in my room… and in the room of my mother, she has recover in a state hospital, so I am pleased to be alive, hope to be so, else nevermind.

Kitty kat gone rogue

Yes, I do not own a kat, but I live in a small village and Kat’s are spread everywhere you catch eyes on… My dog has a hobby every time is seeing kats is barking mad like a menace, just imagine him, my dog when was little he was chasing them on daily basis so no wonder he doesn’t stand them. Hm, today was a last day, I slept so much dreamt a little dream about the future going further… Payed some bills and made a deposit to a bank… It was easy, kind of, as much like you have money on your account…

Different but togeter

I’ve dreamt, hm because I sleept and then… waken up, dreaming about the fact I was not dreaming and I was awake. Kind of strange dream, hm
I was at the shop, I’ve taken beer and twoo loaf of breads for the meal. It was foggy and thery chill outside -1 C beleow freezing. Today is going to be a happy day, I say it out loud… prove me wrong, hm.

Positivity, Lough and joy

The title is a skeem, a deceive for the mind of whom is reading, is past is to impossible to happen but if you struck gold you are there, but life is not like that is just ups and downs. Yesterday I had some money but I have to pay some debts lol but this is life a struggle.

Siting here, after I finish smoking my cigarettes and drinking my coke, watching morning shows on the television set, I could say I am satisfied kind of, it lacks the climax but in rest it should be fine…

Yes, I need some money for the dream

I have some money, but life, tough decision but I will pay the blog. Hm, a pack of fine cigarettes and a bottle of cola, for the dream, Am I wrong, I hope not. Hm, I have bought some fancy food for the tiny dog, some meat in a special sauce with meat and a sack of 10 kg of special food for dog 7 dollars or so and the special food was 1 dolar. Hm, and I bought some food for me …

Great news

We are here, doing it big time. My mom was at the hospital and now, tomorrow is back home. I got lonely for couple of weeks, so that s life, hm.

I woke up, thery early because I slept well, and then I got it to the shop, I took my cigarettes and light it up… It was so cool but freezing, hm… Perhaps I should take a coffee but hm, neah not right now…

Yes, we could do it

The night, the lamp light on the street of mine is on, there are children make some noisese, they are free they just left the school and they are lud, I tell ia.
I watch tik tok on regular basisics, so much fun but you know how it is, when I see folks that are so silly than me I get courage…
Today was a wineter day, few clouds and so cold… hm. My dog is so noizy, I think he needs a female dog for companion… hm.

Chicken, pigs and dogs

Hm, we are here in the country house in rural area of the balcans, a little place called Romania. Yes, living in a small village with 2 female pigs, few chickens and yes a smal dog. Often I and the dog we play together, I really like to pet the dog and yes, of corse the little pigs. With chicken, is always fun, when I enter the barn, they come into you like mad cow, and just enter your space… it a lot of fun… hm.
Today a polar vortex hit my location, it was a -7 C cold, hm it was not nice but I will surrvive, hm.