I know how it is, just join in, I have drinks just if you want some coke and if you are nice to my I am going to bring something alcoholic to drink… like a local buzz, hm.
I am sad, kind of and I do not know why… maybe is the winter time, maybe that I am here alone I this awkward place in the middle off working peasants… a vast field where there are growing all kind of vegetables. hm.
I think, I am
I imagine, I think therefore I exist… why, tough question, no? Because the sun is shining, the birds are singing and yes once, I loved you sometime in the past.
My wonderful miracle, you made my days back then, hm. Innocent and sweat just like a perfume in full spring, it was impossible not to love you, my chosen one.
I am online, listen on online radio, hits after hits, dj talking about something, me kind of happy drinking heavy some coke from a nice glass that it got me with me mind on the whiskey or some conic. I do not have so much money, hm.
It is darker than february, hm winter time
I had a buck, then a sudden wish and thery powerfull desire for me to get out in the frezing wind… I had start the fire and in my room with a view to the stars everything was fine, a bottle of 2,5 litre of coca cola but then the disere for cigaretts kicked in… got myself 5.24 euro on my pocket with them I did make it to the nearst shop…
No so many people, but I chit chat with a old lady and then got myselh home, eat somethink, a special sousage and some butter. Now I am smoking and I am happy, kind of. Hm!
PS. 5 cigaretts for 1.2 euro,lol.
Hash winter, no just easy one
I am here, in the middle of a winter they easy on us,hm
I was recycling something 4 bucks in total of assets. It was cool.
Outside is kind of raining, small rain like a little rai, tyni, hm

Yes, can I
I enterd a room, you bright in dark me love, words maybe, lyrics!? Perhaps, but the sound, the glitch in matrix when we make eyes contact and then… wake up, we are dreaming!
I had 2 bucks, paper money here in Romania, is so cold outside just like here, I have to start the fire in my room, hm, why, why I hate that?
So, with that 2 bucks I have a bottle of 1 litre of coca cola and I drink it watching video on youtube and writing something on the blog. Join in, hm!
A nice meal, some onion and potatoes
I am hungry, a little bit but do not tell to enyone, I have pork meat, some onions, fresh bread and fresh water, tomato souce, salt… and yes and a wonderfull electric oven.
Now I watched some youtue videos, talked to my brother and I made up my mind… I want a women in my life. Now I set the electric oven to 250 celcius degree and made it to nearst sstoreĀ kind of, buy some coca cola… and watching donacs on twitch. I am hungry, hm it smeel gooooood that I can tell you, my dog is feed allready, because else I will feed him to, eventually… hm… wish you well, hny to you all, God bless you all, see ia!
I am close, tears are falling down
Upset and sad, humans… what next!? Why animals don’t desapoint? Hm, tough question, regardless of that I will drink something today… I was downtown, femelas what else and then money, to be more exact: the lack of it, I have only 5 bucks on the pocket… sow my girl… I am gettig old, she also… I have beard, a kid grown up… you are there like a ghost. Who care, hm maybe I but hm… You got the point, humans!
Money and beer plus cigarettes

I am at the shop, writing down some things. I need to stop spending money, it absolute. Time is to light a cigarette and go on my way, come along please!
Join me in a walk thru
I’ve made it to the store, with some money on my right hand… open a freezer and taking a can of energy drink… I ‘ve ordered a 4 dollar pack of cigaretts… now I am home sad and with a cigarette on my hand writing down all.
I am sad… I know why, but I do not want to share with you guys… music is laying and I have to feeds the pigs and the chicken… hm.
Bring me the coke
The sun is shining, powerful and they beautiful above our heads. It is worm, is January and I am here at the shop close to my house just sitting and writing to my blog. I am kind of upset, why ? Eh is another story, now I’m with schwepps power so come along if you want and can…