I don’t often drink, I have choosen to be sober and not to drink so much alchool. I just have some from time to time.
I like to drink soft drinks, coffe, milk and some energy drinks…
I don’t often drink, I have choosen to be sober and not to drink so much alchool. I just have some from time to time.
I like to drink soft drinks, coffe, milk and some energy drinks…
All alone, with some music from online radio, it is romanian music… I am so sad, hm impossible to stand the hush passing of time into whatever it goes. I bought a domain name, then I’ve got a server in the cloud a vds for the wordpress blog, it is thery snappy hm, so much I am please that almost I forget that I am upset. Is not bad, I spent about 6 dollars or so.
It is so cold outside, I’ve sleept so much time, I have some animals besides my dog. I have some chikens and some pigs. I often feed them, is so nice that I have to retrive the egs from them and the pigs are so loveley and the love the interaction with me. I have twoo female pigs.
I take the pack of cigarette, looking around to find some lighter, I had so much cola, yesterday had a red bull an energy drinks that gives you wings he ehe hhe lol.
I am here waiting for something to do, just me and myself… sitting all alone. It was a ruff beging of the year… so bad hm. In rest what shoud I do… I am here wondering to the world that is layng in the mist of the times.
I’m here down on ground just siting still, listening to me speakers 200 bucks. It is so late sunday, I had some food, some salami, cheese and some mustar with something like salami from comunist era… yes, I am free.
Full of stars, some lights and some dogs barking mad in the distance… the music is roling on the internet radio. So many people on the planet, 6 biliards he he and so few to talk to…
I want to do something on the blog, it not letting me, the domain name is so so because is pointing on not https adress and it says the site is not legit. Hm.
For you out there, just wake up and have a good life.
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